zsh argument completion

Some help how to define arguments for a zsh completion

#compdef the_command

# basic subcommands, like docker run
local -a _1st_arguments

# function to parse the subcommands
_the_command_subcommand() {

    case "$words[1]" in
            _alternative "the_command_run:the_command run:"
            _arguments "(-t)-t[some description]"

_arguments -C '*:: :->subcmds'
if (( CURRENT == 1 ));then
    _describe -t commands "the_command command" _1st_arguments


A simple option with an alternative short name and with description. It also expects a value after the option.

_arguments \
       '(-o --option-name)'{-o,--option-name}'[Describe what the option is good for]:option name:' \
       && return 0


the_command -o foobar
# or
the_command --option-name freetext

A simple option with an alternative short name and with description, and provide a fix list as the value of the options

_arguments \
       '(-o --option-name)'{-o,--option-name}'[Describe what the option is good for]:option name:(foo bar baz)' \
       && return 0


the_command -o foo
# or
the_command --option-name bar

A simple option with an alternative short name and with description, and a shell script which generates the possible values

_arguments \
       '(-o --option-name)'{-o,--option-name}'[Describe what the option is good for]:option name:($(the-shell-script))' \
       && return 0

A simple option with an alternative short name and with description, and provide a function which can generate the available options

_command_option_values() {
       compadd $(shell script where every word is an completion string)

_arguments \
       '(-o --option-name)'{-o,--option-name}'[Describe what the option is good for]:option name:_command_option_values' \
       && return 0

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